pcb manufactor

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pcb manufactor

Postby mangasurfer on Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:27 am

where is a good cheap place to get a board printed
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Re: pcb manufactor

Postby SpidersWeb on Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:47 pm

There is only one company I'm aware of that provides them at prices a hobbyst can flip a bunch out and not worry:

Boards actually seem to come out alright, just don't expect absolute perfection.

For better quality stuff that doesn't break the bank, oshpark seems to come up over and over again, and Circuit Labs here in NZ is worth a look also. I haven't had any boards made, but spent a lot of time sniffing around on the subject myself.
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Re: pcb manufactor

Postby TRS80 on Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:44 pm

OSHPark is reasonably priced, the ordering process very simple (if you use Eagle and upload a .BRD file) and the boards are very well made.

I used them for the Kaypro FreHD Interface shim (http://www.quicktrip.co.nz/jaqblog/home/90-kprofrehd2)

I have also used http://dirtypcbs.com/ for the TRS-80 Model 1 Expander (http://www.quicktrip.co.nz/jaqblog/home/105-m1exp) and a few other non-retro projects. They also allow direct upload of Eagle .BRD files.

Their protopack service is very well priced at US$25 for 10 x 10cm x 10cm boards including postage to NZ, you sometimes get more than the 10 boards promised and have a choice of color and various other options.
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