Xeltek Unipro EPROM burner

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Xeltek Unipro EPROM burner

Postby xjas on Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:38 pm

Hey all,
I have a line on a Xeltek Unipro for really cheap (<$20). It is as far as I can tell the very first model Xeltek made. Software (not updated) is still available on their website. It comes with an ISA card and needs a 386~ish/DOS machine to run, like the one sitting right here under my desk.

Is this programmer still useful for anything? I'm mainly interested in making my own cartridges for e.g. TI99, MSX, Atari. But I also occasionally make stuff (synthesizers, music gear, who knows what) from kits and being able to write more modern chips for things like that would be useful too.

Can an EPROM burner write EEPROMs or do I need completely different hardware?
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Re: Xeltek Unipro EPROM burner

Postby bhabbott on Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:15 pm

According to Matthieu Benoit the Xeltek Unipro is a clone of the Hilosystems ALL-01, a universal programmer that can do just about any chip with the right adapter - including parallel EEPROMs, MCUs, CPLDs etc. that are not supported by modern programmers.

For <$20 you have a real bargain that (if it works) could be very useful for working with older chips.
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Re: Xeltek Unipro EPROM burner

Postby xjas on Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:31 am

Thanks for that! Got it - in the original box even

This will be fun. I got some blank TI-99 cart PCBs a while ago but haven't done anything with them yet. Now I can make my own carts. 8)
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Re: Xeltek Unipro EPROM burner

Postby SpidersWeb on Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:46 pm

That's pretty awesome.
Would much rather use something like that to write a 2764 than the USB Willem clone I have been using.
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