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Any other radio hams around?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:03 pm
by Clym5
I'm just curious to see if anyone else on the forums are hams. My callsign is ZL1LMN. I've only been licensed for a year or so too, so I'm relatively new to the hobby!

Re: Any other radio hams around?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:28 am
by Matt
I'm not licensed but I'm kind of interested and I know guys down here who are
(licensed). Haven't met <a href="">this guy</a> but he's just up
the road from me and his site has stuff about his gear and how he got into the
scene.Came across it while browsing for info about numbers stations.

Re: Any other radio hams around?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:33 pm
by Deigh
I was a ham for many years. Callsign VS7SV. Had a station in Ceylon whilst doing overseas tour when in RAF. Have also operated other stations as a visitor when postings took me around. One was is Rhodesia but cant recall the callsign.

Re: Any other radio hams around?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:09 pm
by mangasurfer
hi just got some ham radio software for a 64 and some hardware for a zx spectrum for a ntty setup i think thats what its called. all use to be long to a ham radio operator with the handle zl2bin if any ones interested will post pics of hard ware etc.


Re: Any other radio hams around?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:08 am
by andyg
ZL3AG (ex ZL2APG ZL2VOA ZL2UEE). I've been a ham for just under 35 years now. Yikes.

I hang out at Branch 05 in CHCH which also hosts the CHCH Robotics Club which is more of a hodge-podge of electronics/computer/engineering hobbyists who get together to improve and show off their latest creations.

Anyone in CHCH on here who hasn't been to a meeting should come along sometime. Good fun.