Hello from Spain

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Hello from Spain

Postby Crescent on Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:04 pm

Hi, I'm a 30 year old collector from Spain.

My first gaming machine was an Amstrad CPC 6128, which had a good number of games that were produced in our country in what was called the "Golden Age of Spanish Software". After that I also received three new gaming systems, an Atari 2600, an IBM 286 and a Sega Megadrive, which would become my favourite gaming platform along with the original Sony Playstation.

I've collected games for a lot of systems from Nintendo, Sega, Sony and Microsoft, but I recently shifted my collection to PAL console box variants. I've always preferred PAL to NTSC, mainly due to nostalgia, so I try to limit my collection to PAL items, except for some US or Japan exclusives. I've been trying to get information on australia/new zealand console variants (and add a couple of them to my collection in the mean time) but it's been quite difficult.

I also like special, limited and contest-only editions, development hardware and software and promotional variants.
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Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:44 am

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