by pknz on Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:35 pm
Sort of... by the time I was at school - let me correct that - by the time my primary school had a computer suite, (mid to late 90s) it was a suite of white Performas, running At Ease, a handful of games, Kids Pix Studio, AppleWorks (Claris), Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor, and most importantly Marathon 2 (demo), which was interesting to play at a Christian primary school.
Around this time, our home computer - (the Macintosh Classic was a treat from my dad's work that he brought home every once in a while in one of those black carry bags) - was also a Macintosh Performa, - the black (180Mhz), Directors Edition, with remote. We had that Performa for a long time, I remember running Mac OS 8.6 from a zip disk, while the internal harddrive ran Mac OS 9.1 (it couldn't handle 9.2 - it could, but very poorly if I recall correctly).
Mac OS 8.6 ran much smoother and I think I only used 8.6 for a particular game, it may have been Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far. So my youth mainly involved playing games on the Performa, (Age of Empires, Star Craft, Marathon Infinity, F/A-18 Hornet. Dino Park Tycoon, Glider Pro, Sim Tower, Apeiron, Maelstrom.... and many others.
I can also recall my dad running into problems with Conflict Catcher on a regular basis and rebuilding the desktop - which meant I wasn't able to use the computer for a while.
I'm quite surprised there aren't a heap of Performas on TradeMe.