A Tribute to the Dick Smith System 80
(aka Video Genie and PMC-80/81)

Downloadable Disk Images - Programs on the Communications disk

This disk contains three programs that enabled my System 80 to communicate with the outside world. Essentially they turned the computer into a "Smart Terminal", for linking to Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's) and mainframe computers. This was well before the Internet as we know it of course. Logging into a BBS (usually with a 300 baud modem, where the letters scrolled across the screen at about the speed of a fast typist) was the closest thing you got to being "on-line".

(Note: ensure an available COM port is enabled in the emulator settings if using these program with the TRS32)

Name (and filename) Description What to type at the dos prompt
OnmiTerm v 1.6 (omni/cmd)
Auxiliary files include...
ominxfer/cmd, omnixfer/cim
binhex/cmd, hexbin/cmd, errbin/cmd, binerr/cmd
My favourite communication program. This also included utility files to encode binary files to ascii and vice versa for sending across 7-bit transmission protocols. Other utility files managed checksums for error checking.
By David J Lindbergh, (1983)
Note: Manual describes version 1.53 release 11
Once loaded, press the @ key twice for a menu
Dynaterm 3.1 (mph/cmd) Auxiliary files include...
and I think also...
By A.S. Vincent (date unknown) mph/cmd
Telcom II (telcom/cmd) By Bryan Mumford (1982) telcom/cmd

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